BB Photography


How to Take Better Mobile Pictures Part 2:

It’s been awhile since my last blog post and today being May 1st - thought I might as well post something for the start of this new month. In the last blog, I left you guys with 3 tips for how to take better mobile pictures. Today, I will give you 3 more tips that I find helpful for taking better mobile pictures so you guys can get more likes on Instagram, more retweets on Twitter, or more matches on Tinder, whatever platform you use this is the guide for you!

4. Get close and fill the viewfinder

Many times when you attempt to capture the overall big picture and you miss out on a really awesome picture. When you’re too far away from your subject, you get a tiny, unidentifiable figure and too much extra background. Instead, make sure you get close and fill the viewfinder. Keep away from using zoom because it can reduce the image quality.

5. Get the right light

Natural lighting is your best friend. Using natural lighting will almost always create a better shot with realistic color than a picture taken with a camera flash, particularly for portrait shots. If you need light to help capture a picture - look for alternative ways such as a artificial lights or something that will help reflect what natural light there is. For the BEST natural lighting try taking your pictures during golden hour, one hour after the sunrise or one hour before the sunset.

6. Keep the lens clean

Make sure you keep your camera lens clean so that every shot comes out. Sometimes you made of taken a really great picture, but then you realize that you see a ghost or smudge in your picture - chances are it’s a piece of dirt or dust on your camera lens.

Now with these simple smartphone photography tips, you’ll be taking pictures like a pro in no time! So take these tips and get to shooting! If you found these tips helpful and you get a great picture out of it tag me @beth_bbphotography on Instagram. Can’t wait to check them out!

Beth Bordell